Saturday, November 3, 2012

Baseball Boys

 A couple of days ago we had a beautiful fall day.  After playing a little bit, the boys decided they needed to be baseball players.  Luke got them their hats and gloves and they were ready! 
 Nevermind Adam's pink glove (we found it for 25 cents at our neighbor's garage sale, so sue us).  He doesn't care, he just wants to be big like his brother.
 He's totally rockin' the pink glove here, don't you think?
 Adorable.  I totally get in to playing ball with them.  What would I do if I had girls?!?


Truth be told, our Halloween consisted of dressing up, taking pictures, and then heading to church and that's about it.  But Adam did stay in costume and handed out candy to our youth group which he thought was big stuff!
 The second we were done taking pictures, Luke exclaimed, "Come on, Elephant!  Let's go ride our bikes!"
 After church we did suprise Trick or Treat Papa and Mimi which the boys were thrilled with (and so were the grandparents).