Sunday, May 1, 2011

Favorite Things

Lately, at the end of each day, I've been trying to remember my favorite thing that happened that day. Today I have two things. The first happened during church. Someone sitting behind us let out an unintentional, but VERY loud, long, and gutteral/growling-sounding cough. Luke looked up at me with large bewildered eyes and asked in all seriousness, "Mommy, was that a bear?". Ha! My second thing is pictured below. Chad was on nap duty today and after they were in there for awhile, I wondered what was going on, and this is what I found. This is extra special because it NEVER happens. Sometime around Luke's first birthday, he began to only be able to fall asleep on his own in his bed and never ever on our laps. But today, they both fell asleep!

1 comment:

jane said...

Very precious. Glad you caught it!