Monday, January 2, 2012

Bah Stomach-Bug

This last week we saw a little too much of this:
Both Chad and Luke came down with a nasty stomach virus last Monday. Nasty is not descriptive enough. I'd call it wicked, maybe just down right mean. It caused things to come out of both ends for not one, not two, but SIX days straight. And added cold-symptoms on top of that...runny nose, cough, and headache. Luke was inches away from having to go to the hospital for IVs because he was getting so dehydrated. Adam and I escaped the virus (thank the Lord!), but Adam fought a bad cold through it all. Basically, everyone was miserable, which meant we were all up at all hours both day and night. One night I think I got up around 9 times between both boys. Finally, (finally!) today everyone is basically back to normal, with the exception of lingering colds for Adam and Luke. It was one of the most trying times I have had so far as a mother. I will say, however, puke no longer has any gross-out affect on me. I'm over it. A big thank you goes out to my mom, who rearranged her work schedule to help me take the boys to the doctor, and who came over one day just to let me get out of the house for a little bit and run some errands. I think I might have lost my mind if it wasn't for that. Unfortunately our Christmas "break" resulted in being shut-in our home, which also meant we had to cancel plans to see several different friends we hadn't seen for 1-2 years. We were also planning to head to Omaha this past weekend to have our Christmas with Chad's family and that had to be scrapped as well. We were disappointed to say the least, but I am so grateful to see the light at the end of this nightmare. Now, back to work tomorrow. I'm gonna need to find some caffeine in the morning.


Tanya said...

Glad you are finally better! I think Hannah is starting the same junk. I'd say she's on day 4, so I guess we have a few more days to go. God help us all! This part of mothering stinks!

Mike Medved said...

Oh that totally stinks! Getting sick over the holidays should NOT be allowed! Glad you're all recovering. You totally earned your 'super mommy' badge lady! Keep up the good work! And here's hoping that stays in 2012. Happy New Year!