Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Wrap Up

As it does every year, summer got away from us quickly!  My blog may have been pretty boring lately, but there was never a dull moment around here!  We did so many fun things, this mommy was sad to return to work and miss out on our fun outings.  Here's a look at a few of the fun things we did.
Luke played T-ball this summer and loved it!  And I had fun coaching the team.

We went skating, old school style!  (I seriously had these exact same roller skates when I was in kindergarten!)

 Adam got his first haircut

 We were into the Olympics at our house!  Adam and Luke enjoyed racing around our house and attempting to mimic the gymnastics moves.  Here they are showing their muscles and racing!

 We spent lots of time just playing outside at home.  One day, Luke spontaneously plopped down in the middle of the yard and started watching the clouds and told me what he thought the clouds looked like (flowers, tigers, etc).  That's what summer is all about, right?


Mike Medved said...
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Mike Medved said...

Mmmm...summer is the stuff little boys are made of. So glad you had a wonderful time off.